Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lauren's first full week of Kindergarten

Lauren started her first full week of Kindergaren yesterday.  She did great! I did ok.  Just some tears and I was ok. Lauren almost walked across the street at pick up because she wasn't paying attention but I caught her before she did. She of course couldn't remember what they had did all day. But bits and pieces came out through out the night. I had the parent meeting last night and truly I still don't feel like I know what is going on. I feel like they are just wanting me to throw her into the school and run from her! Which today they said to only walk her down to the kindy hall.  I didn't like and Lauren was so unsure of where to go. I watched her all the way down and she only got a glimpse of me being upset. I just never thought I would have such a hard time with all of this!

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